McGill University Sustainability GIFs
My brief here was to create 2 sets of GIFs – one representing the 3 long-term targets in McGill University’s Climate and Sustainability Strategy 2020-2025, and the other representing the 8 categories around which the strategy is structured.
These were to be based on pre-existing static icons of all of the above, and were intended for use by the MOOS social media profiles, as well as uploaded to McGill's official GIPHY, where they are accessible to the McGill community and the general public.
3 Long - Term Targets
Carbon Neutrality by 2040 • Zero Waste by 2035 • Platinum Sustainability Rating by 2030
8 Categories
Research & Education • Buildings & Utilities • Waste Management • Travel & Commuting
Food Systems • Procurement • Landscapes & Ecosystems • Community Building